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About Diabetes

Diabetes is characterized by an abnormally high blood sugar level which can lead to serious complications. The earlier the high blood sugar is detected and brought under control, the greater the chance of preventing long term complications of the condition.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is caused by damaged or destroyed pancreatic beta cells that fail to secrete insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone that stimulates the uptake of glucose in the blood by muscles, fat, liver and other cells of the body so it can be used an energy source for various cellular functions. Since individuals with type 1 diabetes lack insulin, the main focus of treatment is insulin replacement therapy.

When the blood sugar level is on the high side but not high enough to warrant a diabetes diagnosis, the patient is diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance. These individuals are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and need to manage their condition by adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as adhering to a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

Type 2 Diabetes

In the initial stages of diabetes, diet, weight management and regular activity is prescribed first. Healthy lifestyle changes are recommended in the management of all stages of diabetes. There are several approaches to managing the different stages of type 2 diabetes.

Diet is top of the list. Ideally, diet should be free of simple sugars and saturated fats. A healthy diet and regular exercise can prevent obesity and overweight, important risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise also stimulates insulin release. Smoking or drinking habits should also be stopped.

At GWI, we treat diabetes with Cellular Medicine once and for all instead of using the traditional method of insulin injections as we know diabetes is also caused by other underlying factors like inflammation which occurs at the cellular level.

Cellular Treatment for Diabetes at GWI

A variety of General Health Services are available throughout GWI’s Curative Health System. Please review the links below for more information. A variety of General Health Services are available throughout GWI’s Curative Health System. Please review the links below for more information.

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