GWI employs unique core values
R&D. For any performance driven medical services, research and development activity is not optional or something to pay lip service to, it’s key. Here GWI Curative Wellness prides itself in being very active in R&D, with its drive centred on creative healing development activities, pushing the frontiers of cellular medicine for medical breakthroughs and innovation.
Focused Collaboration. As it is often said, two good heads are better than one. GWI strongly holds the view of focused collaboration of like-minded practitioners and healthcare service providers but with a difference. Those to whom healthcare is being given must form the core or centre piece of all collaborative activities, efforts and goals. Our referral system for acquisition of new patients and clients is designed and geared toward this very end.
Integrity. We value and appreciate the expertise of diverse disciplines necessary for preventive healthcare and disease treatment. Consequently, our management team focuses on attracting the best skills and expertise in various medical disciplines and associated field of knowledge, especially for collaborative efforts, including those relating to alkaline plants, structured alkaline water, medical machines and devices. The watch word for our staff members is therefore integrity.
Communication – a Critical Success Factor. A significant factor that will no doubt impact on the experience and the results patients get is that of the disposition and ability of the medical experts and healthcare providers to listen compassionately, absorb and discern what the patient is saying when trying to analyse the state of disease or illness of the particular patient. In functional cellular medicine, the fundamental principle and modality of healing is the fact that it is the body that heals itself. Therefore, the job of the medical expert is to understand each person’s unique set of circumstances and conditions, and make informed deductions from the stories the patient relates as to what the body needs, in order to effortlessly and timely execute the repair and healing actions it was designed and created to carry out. To know the patient’s current state and where he/she wants to be, the practitioner must truly listen and comprehend what they are telling him/her from the perspective of a loving and compassionate servant of the patient, and not as an ‘almighty’ medical expert. We train and continue to develop our staff members to cultivate this mindset and mental attitude.
Embracive Inclusion. Family unit and human society is an embracive system of connectivity and inclusion. When one part of the system is diseased, all the other parts suffer as a consequence. Therefore involving practitioners, the patients and their loved ones (family members, relatives and friends) in any developed healthcare programme is a facet of healing GWI does not underestimate or compromise on. So we warmly welcome inputs, suggestions and collaboration from all, including the members of the community in which we operate.
Continuous Learning. When you stop learning, diminishing return sets in and eventually ‘death’ in terms of capacity, capability and competence. Therefore GWI Curative Wellness is absolutely committed to always and eagerly learning from its interactions and involvement with everything and everyone that comes into its sphere of influence and operations. There is no exception to this commitment, from the CEO down to the lowest member of staff, we’re all on a continuous learning journey and curve; this happens on a daily basis and covers both what we do well in and what we do so well in. The learning aspect of our work involves formal and informal ‘on-the-job’ and ‘on-the-go’ education so as to improve and perform better.